CSV charges

This feature allows you to charge existing customers again by uploading a CSV file with the necessary details. Customer payment card details need to be already registered in the system and linked to a recurring token.

The system will use the information provided in the CSV to identify the last transaction made with these details and re-use the card information saved in the recurring token to make a new charge.

Uploading the file

On the “CSV charges” page, click on the “Upload file” button.

On the modal, select the store you want to make charges for and upload the CSV file.
For the system to make successful charges, the customer data from the CSV has refer to recurring tokens that have been made for this specific store.

After being uploaded and validated, if no formatting errors are found, the charges will be processed automatically. If you prefer to first upload the file and then process the charges at a later date, you can turn “Process automatically” off.

A notification email will be sent when the file has been uploaded and validated, and when the charges have been processed. By default these notifications are sent to the email address as registered in the merchant settings, but if you prefer receiving them at a different email address, you can enter it in the “Notification email” field.


  • Validating: file is being uploaded and validated
    This step checks for formatting errors only (it doesn’t check if charges can be made or not with the provided data)
  • Ready: file has been successfully uploaded and validated
  • Failed: formatting errors have been found, file can not be processed
  • Processing: charges are being processed
  • Finished: all charges have been processed, please check the CSV charges page in the console for the full report

File format


CSV file must use the following settings:

  • Encoding: UTF-8 (with or without BOM)
  • Delimiter: ,
  • Null: “ (empty string)
  • Line terminator/feed: “\n”
  • Quote char: “
  • Quotes are necessary for special characters (quote char, delimiter, line feed)


CSV file has 4 columns:

  • Job ID: this will let the system know which kind of data to look for
  • Customer data: data used to identify a customer and related recurring token
  • Amount: new charge amount, e.g 1000
  • Currency: new charge currency, e.g. JPY for yens, USD for US dollars

Different kind of customer data can be used, see examples below.

Customer ID (Job ID = 1)

A customer ID is a metadata, optionally registered in recurring tokens in the checkout, through the API (using metadata.univapay-customer-id) or the Widget (in HTML with univapay-customer-id or Javascript with univapayCustomerId).

To use this option, enter 1 as a Job ID in column 1 and a customer ID (UUID format) in column 2.

The system will search for the recurring token tagged with this customer ID to make a new charge.

Sample data: 1,c5d1b760-c7db-4696-a943-8ce90c988486,1000,JPY

Customer email (Job ID = 2)

To use this option, enter 2 as a Job ID in column 1 and a customer email in column 2.

The system will look up for the most recent transaction made with this email to identify which recurring token to use to make a new charge.

Sample data: 2,test@gyro-n.money,1000,JPY

Reference ID (Job ID = 3)

A reference ID is a metadata, which can be set with the API (using metadata.univapay-reference-id) or the Widget (in HTML with data-univapay-reference-id), when a recurring token is created.

To use this option, enter 3 as a Job ID in column 1 and a reference ID (free format) in column 2.

The system will look up for the most recent transaction tagged with this reference ID to identify which recurring token to use to make a new charge.

Sample data: 3,AB0001,1000,JPY

Recurring token ID (Job ID = 4)

To use this option, enter 4 as a Job ID in column 1 and a recurring token ID (UUID format) in column 2.

The system will look up for the recurring token with this ID to make a new charge.

Sample data: 4,11ecc509-cc27-28fe-9283-033858e9ed30,1000,JPY

Sample file

Download sample file: csvcharges-sample.csv

It’s possible to combine the different approaches in the same CSV file:
